Victoria Beckham and Google

Wow.. the critics hated her tv show. However, the people that I spoke with that saw it.. loved it and her. I know I did. Yea.. it was a bit quirky but that’s what made it so enjoyable. To me she’s a class act. She wears her knickers, always dresses fabulous, and she knows to…

Psych, princesses, and popularity

Psych is back! It’s my favourite show ever. I giggle madly when I watch it. It makes me happy. Remember Princess Bride? Here’s the actors.. 20 years later. I’m excited for Peanut to watch this with me one day. As for popularity.. do you remember Square Pegs? I seem to remember it as a kid,…


I was reading the Presurfer and he posted a link to the weirdest fashion show ever. Which raises the question in me.. do people actually buy this shit? This isn’t the first time weird fashion hits the runway, but I never see these designs on the racks at Target. Hell, I don’t even see them…

What do you value the most?

I always dreaded the question.. “If you were on a deserted island and could only take 3 things with you.. who would you eat first?” or something like that. It doesn’t have the weight of the actual question, which is “What do you value the most?” I was reading a book the other day and…

Live Earth Concert

Live Earth is a concert this coming up weekend across the world to promote awareness of our climate crisis… which I’m all for. However, something occurred to me tonight when i saw a commercial for it. How are all these people getting there? They’ll fly, they’ll drive, use public transportation. They print tickets on paper…